So you want to dance like Chris Brown? It's very simple really. Just follow these steps and you will be a dancing fool!
Be flexible. Make sure you get a good stretch before starting, because Chris Brown dances pretty well, and you don't want to pull a muscle.
Practice moving your feet in different angles. If you start to feel harmed or hurt, then stop, get a drink, and rest. After 20 minutes, warm up again.
Try learning to dance fast without taking a break.
Chris is also known for his flips, so you should start learning somersaults and back flips.
Go on YouTube and check out some of Chris Brown's moves, then try it out. If you can't do it at first, don't get frustrated, just laugh and try again.
Experiment. See what you can do, then compare to Chris Brown. See what you can do, and can't do.
Learn your slides as well as he does many of these.
When you're actually dancing you want to try to actually be confident. Don't give up! Keep trying!
- Get a group of friends together and see if they can help you.
- Try your hardest.
- Be patient with yourself, you cannot not become as good as Chris brown overnight, it may take some time, and hard practice.
- Remember not everyone is perfect at dancing!
- You may pull a muscle or sprain something.
- It may take long hours of practice.
- If you get hurt, take a rest, do NOT push yourself, or you can hurt yourself even more!
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